Can you start WotLK classic at 68?
World of Warcraft's first hero class storms in with WotLK – the Death Knight. Initially available to both factions at level 55, in Wrath of the Lich King Classic that requirement has been removed for a player's first Death Knight, meaning you can jump right in (if you have the heart to).Class Leveling Speed Tier List

  • Death Knight – starts at level 55, very good DPS, the fastest class to level up in WotLK;
  • Hunter and Warlock – both have pets and solid DPS, very useful in dungeons;
  • Rogue – good world PvP, great DPS without gear;
  • Mage – good world PvP, good at AOE farming;

Zone Order

  • Howling Fjord / Borean Tundra (68-72)
  • Dragonblight (71-75)
  • Grizzly Hills (73-75)
  • Zul'drak (74-76)
  • Sholazar Basin (76-78)
  • Icecrown (77-80)
  • Storm Peaks (77-80)

Can you start WotLK at 68 : Both of these starting zones are designed for levels 68-72 and are roughly equivalent, so it is up to you where you want to start your journey through Northrend!

Is it too late to start WoW WotLK Classic

it's never late to start & join any world in wow if classic era / Hardcore / Wrath / dragonflight, depend on the effort or money you'll be putting then you can always catch up fast.

How many hours is 1 to 80 in WotLK Classic : The journey from 1 to 80 takes an average of 150–200 hours to complete, with the primary challenge being 70-80 taking anywhere from 20 to 40 hours. We can often get sidetracked exploring all the new zones Northrend has to offer and get stuck in seemingly inescapable death cycles.

1. Paladin. s are one of the most powerful classes in all of Wrath of the Lich King. Holy Paladins are arguably the best healers, capable of both tank healing and raid healing thanks to potent AOE heals such as Glyph of Holy Light and Beacon of Light.

WotLK Level 41–60 Zones

Name Level
Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj 60
Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave 55 – 58
Alterac Valley 20 – 60
Sunken Temple 50 – 60

Where to level at 70 wotlk

WotLK Level 58–70 Zones

Name Level
The Shattered Halls 70 – 75
Mana-Tombs 70 – 75
Tempest Keep 70 – 73
Sunwell Plateau 70 – 73

I personally would begin leveling in Northrend at level 68, but if you're having fun and want to complete the quests in the zones you have left, you should stay in Outland.The journey from 1 to 80 takes an average of 150–200 hours to complete, with the primary challenge being 70-80 taking anywhere from 20 to 40 hours. We can often get sidetracked exploring all the new zones Northrend has to offer and get stuck in seemingly inescapable death cycles. But fear not!

It's too late to do Professions as there's a new system which needs a lot of time and weekly resources. It's too late to join the PUG scene as they want rating and high gear and logs and all that good stuff. If you can find a guild or community then it's not too late to enjoy the raiding, M+ or PVP.

How long is 70-80 WotLK : World of Warcraft – Wrath of the Lich King Classic: How Long Does It Take to Go From Level 70-80 It will take most players about 24-48 hours to go from level 70 to level 80 in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. The somewhat extreme gap between those estimates can be attributed to a variety of factors.

How long does it take to level from 1 to 70 in WotLK Classic : 7 days playtime on the nose to 70. Considering that 60-70 is about 30% less xp and specs are more powerful in wotlk, I'd say you can do 1-70 in 5 days played or less quite comfortably. The big boost isn't just the talents, it's Flight Form at lvl 60 with 150% speed.

What is the easiest class to play in WotLK

WotLK best class for beginners

If you have just started the incredible adventure throughout Azeroth and know nothing about the game and its mechanics, we would recommend trying one of the following classes: Druid or Paladin. The thing is, there are three roles in the game: Tanks, Healers, and Damage Dealers (DD).

The hunter remains the best class for solo content in Wrath due to its easy learning curve, unique class content, and unmatched ability to face down single target mobs thanks to its pet.The journey from 1 to 80 takes an average of 150–200 hours to complete, with the primary challenge being 70-80 taking anywhere from 20 to 40 hours. We can often get sidetracked exploring all the new zones Northrend has to offer and get stuck in seemingly inescapable death cycles. But fear not!

Why can’t I level past 60 in WoW : Level 60 characters

If your character is level 60 and can't earn experience, make sure that your World of Warcraft account is upgraded to Dragonflight. You cannot level past 60 without owning Dragonflight.