How long does it take to level from 1 to 80 in WotLK Classic?
The journey from 1 to 80 takes an average of 150–200 hours to complete, with the primary challenge being 70-80 taking anywhere from 20 to 40 hours. We can often get sidetracked exploring all the new zones Northrend has to offer and get stuck in seemingly inescapable death cycles.Dungeon leveling might be the fastest way to level your characters up, especially if you have a 5 man group of good players. Every dungeon has level requirements, and specific item level requirements for their Heroic versions, but you'll always find players around your level to help you complete each of them.80

While WoTLK Classic has a level cap of 80 (10 levels higher than Burning Crusade Classic's level cap of 70), it will still take a fair amount of time to hit max level.

What level to start WotLK Classic : Classic WotLK Death Knight

World of Warcraft's first hero class storms in with WotLK – the Death Knight. Initially available to both factions at level 55, in Wrath of the Lich King Classic that requirement has been removed for a player's first Death Knight, meaning you can jump right in (if you have the heart to).

How long does it take to level from 1 to 70 in WotLK Classic

7 days playtime on the nose to 70. Considering that 60-70 is about 30% less xp and specs are more powerful in wotlk, I'd say you can do 1-70 in 5 days played or less quite comfortably. The big boost isn't just the talents, it's Flight Form at lvl 60 with 150% speed.

How long is 70-80 WotLK : World of Warcraft – Wrath of the Lich King Classic: How Long Does It Take to Go From Level 70-80 It will take most players about 24-48 hours to go from level 70 to level 80 in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. The somewhat extreme gap between those estimates can be attributed to a variety of factors.

7 days playtime on the nose to 70. Considering that 60-70 is about 30% less xp and specs are more powerful in wotlk, I'd say you can do 1-70 in 5 days played or less quite comfortably. The big boost isn't just the talents, it's Flight Form at lvl 60 with 150% speed.

A few early 1-80 leveling time estimates suggest that it will take the average player about 150 hours to reach the new level cap from scratch. However, I generally find that it's more accurate to say that it will take you about as long to go from 1-80 in WoTLK as it took you to go from 1-60 in WoW Classic.

How long does it take to level from 1 to 70 in Wotlk Classic

7 days playtime on the nose to 70. Considering that 60-70 is about 30% less xp and specs are more powerful in wotlk, I'd say you can do 1-70 in 5 days played or less quite comfortably. The big boost isn't just the talents, it's Flight Form at lvl 60 with 150% speed.Feral Druid

Feral is definitely one of our hardest classes to play in Wrath of the Lich King. The reason is that Feral is constantly maintaining so many different things. You're keeping up Faerie Fire, Mangle, Rake, and Savage Roar as often as you can.Feral Druid

Feral is definitely one of our hardest classes to play in Wrath of the Lich King. The reason is that Feral is constantly maintaining so many different things. You're keeping up Faerie Fire, Mangle, Rake, and Savage Roar as often as you can.

it could take 6–10 months to level one character to level 60 just playing a few hours a few days a week casually. Hardcore gamers who are seasoned, did many of the quests “back in the day”, have access to virtually limitless “how tos”, lots of time to spend gaming, can get there very quickly.

How to level fast in WotLK : The first foundational key to fast leveling is to have both the shoulder. And chest heirlooms. These give 10 bonus. Experience each and they're just non-negotiable. In phase three you can get PVE

Is leveling in WoTLK faster than vanilla : It's not at all. Mob difficulty; elite group quests, booming world PvP. Leveling in vanilla is like playing a DND sesh leveling in WOTLK is like retail but slower. You're already super strong in WOTLK compared to vanilla.

What is the hardest class to play in wrath

And in no particular. Order farrell is definitely one of our hardest classes to play in wrath of the lich. King. Now the reason being of course is because farrell is constantly maintaining.

The hunter remains the best class for solo content in Wrath due to its easy learning curve, unique class content, and unmatched ability to face down single target mobs thanks to its pet.DUNGEONS VERSUS QUESTING VERSUS GRINDING

If you have max-level friends willing to carry you, spamming dungeon runs is definitely the way to go. For everyone else, a mix of questing and periodic dungeons (typically when you have all the prerequisite quests for them, which we'll get to in a minute) is the best way to go.

How long does it take to level to 60 in WotLK Classic : Even still, you should be able to hit the new level cap in less than three days of play time so long as you're consistently finishing quests and participating in group content when available.