How many dungeons can you do a day in WoW?
You can enter up to ten individual instanced zones per hour. The limit is per account, and cannot be avoided by changing characters. You can still queue for random instances in the Dungeon Finder while under effect of this limit, but you will not be given a Deserter debuff if you cannot enter the dungeon.Dungeons, keeps, and other confined areas can have sub-areas called instances (aka instance dungeons). These instances are special areas in World of Warcraft where your group or raid party is able to interact with a dungeon privately; that is, without interference from other parties or raids.Heroic mode dungeons are on a lockout timer much like raids, and can only be run once a day per character. Each dungeon is on an independent timer, however, so a character could run as many as 15 heroic mode instances per day.

How often can you reset dungeons in WoW : Normal dungeons can be reset at any time when the party is outside of the instance, and will reset automatically after a certain amount of time has passed. Heroic dungeons reset daily. This lockout does not affect you when queuing for random Heroic dungeons in the Group Finder.

Can you open 2 instances of WoW

Launch the World of Warcraft account you want and click Play, Launch the Blizzard desktop app on the second system. The first system will be logged out of the app, but World of Warcraft will stay logged in, Launch the World of Warcraft account you want to play on the second system.

How many instances can you enter in an hour : Limits. A player can only enter ten individual instances in one hour. This even applies to the same instance when a player uses the Instance reset ten times within an hour, because each reset is considered by the game to be a different instance.

Dungeons. Dungeons operate under an instance-based lockout. Normal dungeons can be reset at any time when the party is outside of the instance, and will reset automatically after a certain amount of time has passed. Heroic dungeons reset daily.

All dungeons have at least a 24-hour lockout timer for players below level 60.

Can you replay dungeons in WoW

You can return to old dungeons in WoW, you just can't queue for them, but you can still manually go inside. You can do old dungeons again and again and again. Actually its encouraged as the duty roulette will place in in dungeon groups that need players.Multiboxing, or playing multiple World of Warcraft accounts at once, is not a violation of our End User License Agreement.When resetting a normal dungeon, some restrictions apply. You cannot enter more than five instances per hour, even if they are of the same dungeon. This was added to prevent farming an instance's trash mobs over and over again without killing a boss. Resetting in Heroic Instances will reset trash but not bosses.

Launch the World of Warcraft account you want and click Play, Launch the Blizzard desktop app on the second system. The first system will be logged out of the app, but World of Warcraft will stay logged in, Launch the World of Warcraft account you want to play on the second system.

How does dungeon lockout work in WoW : Dungeons operate under an instance-based lockout. Normal dungeons can be reset at any time when the party is outside of the instance, and will reset automatically after a certain amount of time has passed. Heroic dungeons reset daily.

How often can you do normal dungeons : Normal dungeons can be run as many times in a day as you want, as long as you reset the dungeon after you've finished a run to reset the boss(es). You also have to abide by the instance cap which is 10 instances an hour.

How many times can you reset a dungeon

When resetting a normal dungeon, some restrictions apply. You cannot enter more than five instances per hour, even if they are of the same dungeon. This was added to prevent farming an instance's trash mobs over and over again without killing a boss. Resetting in Heroic Instances will reset trash but not bosses.

When resetting a normal dungeon, some restrictions apply. You cannot enter more than five instances per hour, even if they are of the same dungeon. This was added to prevent farming an instance's trash mobs over and over again without killing a boss. Resetting in Heroic Instances will reset trash but not can bypass the dungeon lockout by passing the leader before reset to someone else. i thought i was tripping when asked to do it, and after seeing it work, i ditched the group rather quick – happened in a HoJ farm (10 min runs, no lockout after 5th ID).

How many times can you run dungeons : That is indeed allowed, there is no rule preventing you from running the dungeon you want over and over again. However, be advised that there is a maximum cap on the amount of instances (i.E. Dungeons) that you can enter per hour. This is based on your account, not your character!