Is Megadeth Better Than Metallica?
It depends on what the criteria for victory is. If you want to ask which band is more well known, than Metallica would win. If you want to factor in who has the better discography, then Megadeth would win. Which band had more iconic releases or had better records, that's the toughest of calls.What Metallica thinks of Megadeth: Several members in Metallica including James and Lars think Mustaine is a great guitarist but sucks when it comes to his vocals. This is evident everytime James is asked about Dave, he makes fun of his vocal style and singing in general.Metallica was formed first. Dave Mustaine was a guitarist with Metallica until they fired him. Mustaine then started Megadeth.

Is Dave Mustaine one of the best : In 2004, Guitar World magazine ranked Mustaine and Marty Friedman together at No. 19 on the 100 Greatest Heavy Metal Guitarists of All Time. In 2009, Mustaine was named the No. 1 player in Joel McIver's book The 100 Greatest Metal Guitarists.

Is Metallica faster than Megadeth

With this being the case, many would argue that Mustaine got his revenge in the sense that Megadeth did indeed end up being better and faster (heavier) than Metallica; the two bands have thus been compared ever since, both struggling for the spot of the best Metal band in history.

Who is better Mustaine or Hammett : The only thing is, Hammett has more recognizable and popular riffs throughout his playing, while Mustaine only has older songs that are more influential, while Hammett is more consistent and current with longevity and play style, even if it is very wah-pedal heavy as many guitarists and fans note.

But we've stayed friends ever since.” It's no secret that Mustaine has had a somewhat contentious relationship with Hetfield and Ulrich in the years since he was let go from Metallica and replaced with Kirk Hammett. However, Mustaine says things are pretty simpatico between him and the Metallica fellas nowadays.

Despite all of his qualms with Metallica, Mustaine once again reiterated that he'd love for them and Megadeth play together again one day, but claimed that Metallica are too "afraid" to make that happen for some reason.

Are Metallica and Megadeth friends

Megadeth frontman Dave Mustaine has reflected upon mending his tumultuous relationship with the members of Metallica, saying that “we're friends now” and he prefers to talk about his ex-bandmates “from a positive place, a place of forgiveness and of healing”.We can compare what is considered to be each band's opus master of puppets. And holy.