What is the most important message of Daniel's story?
The book of Daniel offers readers of all generations an insight into God's promise and a pattern at work in history. The pattern reveals how humans and their kingdoms become violent beasts when they glorify their power and don't acknowledge God as their true King.There are many lessons we can learn from the life of Daniel that go far beyond him being thrown into a lion's den. He was a faithful servant of God who didn't waver or compromise when hardships arose. He put God first and foremost in his life and he was blessed for it.Daniel is a story of a person being faithful to God. More importantly, the life of Daniel recorded in the Old Testament gives evidence of God's faithfulness. God knew Daniel – He knew Daniel's needs and what Daniel was struggling with – and it's clear that God cared for Daniel.

What are the main points of Daniel : Themes. The overall theme of the Book of Daniel is God's sovereignty over history, and the theme of the tales in chapters 1–6 is that God is sovereign over all earthly kings. Daniel 1 introduces the fundamental question that runs through the entire book, how God may continue to work his plans when all seems lost.

What is the moral lesson of the story of Daniel for kids

God is the Center of Everything

God was the most important thing to this young boy, and He was the center of Daniel's life. Teach your child the same values — that his life needs to revolve around God. We don't go to God only when we need Him; we can't be too busy for His graces.

What was Daniel’s flaw : Daniel's Weakness

But there's a flaw in you boy, a soft streak. ' Rosh tells Daniel that he needs to get rid of that weakness, and Rosh is going to help him do it. Rosh explains that he knows Daniel isn't a coward, but 'softness can be just as dangerous.

No Matter What Happens, Never Give Up on God

They went to the king to tell him of Daniel's violation. Yet even though all seemed lost, Daniel continued to trust God in faith. His life was spared, and he continued to be used by God to save others.

I make a decree, that in all my royal dominion people should tremble and fear before the God of Daniel: For he is the living God, enduring forever. His kingdom shall never be destroyed, and his dominion has no end.

What is the final vision of Daniel

The predicted reversal of the blasphemy will usher in the end of history, the theme of the four earthly kingdoms first introduced in Daniel 2 and developed in Daniel 7 and 8; they will be replaced by the Kingdom of Heaven, a kingdom in which Israel will be given domination over the world.Knowing Daniel's only "weakness" is loyalty to God, they trick the king into passing an irrevocable law banning prayer. Daniel knows about the law but chooses obedience to God rather than to men.Vision report: vision of the four beasts; vision of the "little horn"; throne vision; vision of judgement; vision of a figure on the clouds (2b–14)

Daniel lived by his faith. For only faith in God could have closed the mouths of those lions. As Daniel showed and Darius ultimately understood, Christians must live out their faith — and understand that God is absolutely sovereign and omnipotent.

What is the meaning of Daniel’s dream : Having related the dream, Daniel then interprets it: it concerns four successive kingdoms, beginning with Nebuchadnezzar, which will be replaced by the everlasting kingdom of the God of heaven. Hearing this, Nebuchadnezzar affirms that Daniel's god is "the God of gods and Lord of kings and revealer of mysteries".

What is the symbolic meaning of the name Daniel : Origin:Hebrew. Meaning:God is my judge. Daniel is a baby boy name of Hebrew origin. Meaning "God is my judge," baby may be inspired by this phrase every day. If you hope to raise baby spiritually or faithfully, the name Daniel may be the perfect way to honor your divine being.

What was Daniel’s spiritual gift

God blessed Daniel with the gift of interpreting dreams, and he rose to leadership positions within the Babylonian and Persian governments. In many ways his life was similar to the life of Joseph, who was sold into Egypt. (See Bible Dictionary, “Daniel.”)

His faithful service to the Lord in a land and culture not his own makes him unique among almost all the people of Scripture—Daniel stands as one of the only major figures in the Bible to produce a completely positive record of his actions.In contemporary Christian millennialism, Daniel 11:36–45 is interpreted as a prophecy of the career and destruction of the Antichrist, and Daniel 12 as concerning the salvation of Israel and the coming kingdom of Christ.

What did Daniel’s dream mean : Daniel said the king's dream was about a giant statue that was destroyed by a stone cut out of a mountain. The statue represented the kingdoms of the earth. The stone cut out of the mountain represented the kingdom of God that would fill the earth.