Why did God protect Daniel in the lions den?
The book of Daniel offers readers of all generations an insight into God's promise and a pattern at work in history. The pattern reveals how humans and their kingdoms become violent beasts when they glorify their power and don't acknowledge God as their true King.The message of the Book of Daniel is that, just as the God of Israel saved Daniel and his friends from their enemies, so he would save all Israel in their present oppression.Daniel lived by his faith. For only faith in God could have closed the mouths of those lions. As Daniel showed and Darius ultimately understood, Christians must live out their faith — and understand that God is absolutely sovereign and omnipotent.

Why is Daniel so important in the Bible : Most importantly, the story of Daniel is a story of God's glory and God's providence for His people. God constantly demonstrated His glory through Daniel, making His name known among the people of Babylon. He exalted Himself above the rulers of Babylon, revealing the limits of their power.

Why was Daniel special to God

Because of his righteousness and sensitivity to the promptings of the Spirit, he was greatly favored of God.

What does the lion’s den symbolize : In Daniel's being thrown into the lions' den and bring brought out whole and alive, God was giving us a prefiguration of the death and resurrection of Jesus. It is in that death and resurrection that the new creation is secured, the enemies of God conquered, and the people of God exalted.

Probably not the way Daniel thought his day would go, being placed inside a lions' den because of his refusal to bow down to anyone but God. However, the story of Daniel in the lions' den is one that recognizes the power and authority of God, as well as the faithfulness of one man of God.

Daniel was a man greatly beloved, because even early he was distinguished for his nonconformity to the world. In after life we find another sweet result of God's love, in his courageous trust in God.

How did Daniel obey God


He wanted boys who were healthy, handsome, and good learners to serve in his palace. Every day, the boys ate the same food and drank the same drinks that the king ate and drank. Four of the boys who came from Judah were different than the others.In particular, the story Daniel and the lions' den gives us three separate lessons we can learn: The world will often turn their back on us and find ways to target our faith; We need to focus on God no matter the distraction or opposition we find in our lives; and God will always reward our faith in Him.Problems do have a way of eating our lunch, especially when we try to handle them with our own strength. In this case, Daniel was supposed to be lunch for the lions, but God had other plans. "The lesson is to keep your mouth shut and to trust in God in every way and every day," says Elizabeth, 11.

What Is the Main Lesson of Daniel in the Lions' Den. His story encourages those who follow God to focus more on what says about them than what others say about them. His deliverance shows believers that God is able to rescue us even from the most impossible circumstances.

Why did God bless Daniel : Daniel was selected as one of the choicest Jewish youths to be trained for service in King Nebuchadnezzar's court. God blessed Daniel with the gift of interpreting dreams, and he rose to leadership positions within the Babylonian and Persian governments.

What does the story of Daniel teach us about God : Daniel is a story of a person being faithful to God. More importantly, the life of Daniel recorded in the Old Testament gives evidence of God's faithfulness. God knew Daniel – He knew Daniel's needs and what Daniel was struggling with – and it's clear that God cared for Daniel.

What is the moral lesson of Daniel and the lions Den

In particular, the story Daniel and the lions' den gives us three separate lessons we can learn: The world will often turn their back on us and find ways to target our faith; We need to focus on God no matter the distraction or opposition we find in our lives; and God will always reward our faith in Him.

Probably not the way Daniel thought his day would go, being placed inside a lions' den because of his refusal to bow down to anyone but God. However, the story of Daniel in the lions' den is one that recognizes the power and authority of God, as well as the faithfulness of one man of God.