Interpreter of Dreams
Daniel lived in captivity in Babylon along with his friends Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Though they faced pressures to conform to Babylonian society and give up the ways of their people, they stood strong in their faith, and God blessed Daniel with wisdom and the ability to interpret dreams.This legendary Daniel is known for his righteousness and wisdom and a follower of the god El (hence his name), who made the god's will known through dreams and visions.Daniel is a story of a person being faithful to God. More importantly, the life of Daniel recorded in the Old Testament gives evidence of God's faithfulness. God knew Daniel – He knew Daniel's needs and what Daniel was struggling with – and it's clear that God cared for Daniel.
What is the main message of the book of Daniel : Meaning, symbolism, and chronology. The message of the Book of Daniel is that, just as the God of Israel saved Daniel and his friends from their enemies, so he would save all Israel in their present oppression.
Why did God love Daniel
Daniel was a man greatly beloved, because even early he was distinguished for his nonconformity to the world. In after life we find another sweet result of God's love, in his courageous trust in God.
What special gift did God give Daniel : gift of interpreting dreams
God blessed Daniel with the gift of interpreting dreams, and he rose to leadership positions within the Babylonian and Persian governments. In many ways his life was similar to the life of Joseph, who was sold into Egypt. (See Bible Dictionary, “Daniel.”)
Daniel was a humble servant-leader who always put the needs of others before his own. Despite being one of the most influential figures in Babylon, he never let his position of authority go to his head. Instead, he used his influence to positively impact the lives of those around him.
Chapter 7 is pivotal to the larger structure of the entire book, acting as a bridge between the tales of chapters 1–6 and the visions of 7–12. The use of Aramaic and its place in the chiasm link it to the first half, while the use of Daniel as first-person narrator and its emphasis on visions link it to the second.
Why did Daniel pray for 21 days
The prophet Daniel has been fasting and praying for twenty-one days on behalf of the people of Jerusalem. On the twenty-fourth day, Daniel has a vision of a man delivering a message from heaven.Daniel's Weakness
But there's a flaw in you boy, a soft streak. ' Rosh tells Daniel that he needs to get rid of that weakness, and Rosh is going to help him do it. Rosh explains that he knows Daniel isn't a coward, but 'softness can be just as dangerous.Vision report: vision of the four beasts; vision of the "little horn"; throne vision; vision of judgement; vision of a figure on the clouds (2b–14)
When he came near the den, he called to Daniel in an anguished voice, "Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God, whom you serve continually, been able to rescue you from the lions" Daniel answered, "O king, live forever!
What was Daniel’s gift from God : God blessed Daniel with the gift of interpreting dreams, and he rose to leadership positions within the Babylonian and Persian governments. In many ways his life was similar to the life of Joseph, who was sold into Egypt. (See Bible Dictionary, “Daniel.”)
Why did God protect Daniel : Daniel in the lions' den (chapter 6 of the Book of Daniel) tells of how the biblical Daniel is saved from lions by the God of Israel "because I was found blameless before him" (Daniel 6:22).
Why was Daniel precious to God
Because of his righteousness and sensitivity to the promptings of the Spirit, he was greatly favored of God. The Lord blessed him with the gift of interpreting dreams and visions.
He served some of the most powerful leaders in the history of the world. He was an important adviser to them. He was an important prophet for the nation of Israel and for the whole world. Daniel was honored by God to the extent that God gave him many sensitive visions and mysteries regarding the future.Indeed, Daniel had faithfully served the rulers and people of his time. Perhaps, his greatest contribution was the insight he provided concerning future events. He did this by interpreting messages from God and relaying visions and dreams He personally gave him.
Why was Daniel so prayerful : He prayed toward Jerusalem in response to the word of God (1 Kings 8:35-36). He got on his knees and prayed, a sign of reverence and humility. Daniel could have become arrogant as the chief administrator of the whole Medo-Persian empire, but he recognized that he was merely a servant in the hands of an omnipotent God.